Bollard Marine Services was established to provide a wide range of marine services at the highest standards of the industry.

The company has recently awarded a tender and started to operate EAPC port's service boat and provide 24/7 shuttle and supply services to all vessel calling EAPC port, Ashkelon.

Bollard Marine Services is controlled by prominent and reputable managers holding decades of combined professional experience in the local shipping and marine works areas.

Our company composed of motivated Skilled people who are committed to the success of our clients.

Protecting our people from harm and providing them a healthy work environment in which to perform is our top priority.

Our vision is to conduct our operations efficiently in an incident-free workplace, all the time, everywhere. 

Bollard’s Main office is located at Haifa and has an operational branch in EAPC port, Ashkelon.


Our on-site equipment includes: 

-       Two new service boats twin engine 440hp, 30sqm clear deck

-       Small tug boat 5 TBP

-       16m X 8m Flat barge –with 100-ton load capacity

-       4-ton telescopic forklift with 17m outreach 

-       2.5-ton forklift 

-       Various diving equipment

-       Sea pollution treatment equipment



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